Monday, March 30, 2009

Monday Amusement

Seriously. From - some bizarre laws you may need to know if you enjoy international travel:

In Switzerland, a man may not relieve himself while standing up, after 10 P.M.

It is an offense for women of "ill repute or evil looks" to enter a cheese factory in Italy's area of Ferrara.
Because everyone knows ugly women are cheese thieves.

In Lebanon, men are legally allowed to have sex with animals -- so long as the animals are female. It is illegal to have sex with a male animal, however.
So.... oh, forget it.

In Scotland, it is illegal to be drunk while in possession of a cow.
Nope. Better go to Lebanon if you plan on getting your drink on while accompanied by your favorite cow.

In Thailand, it is illegal to leave your house if you are not wearing underwear.
Who's gonna . . . oh, nevermind.

In China, women are prohibited from walking around a hotel room in the nude; a woman may only be naked while in the bathroom.
Because God forbid your bed or closet door be forced to ogle your nude boobies.

In Hong Kong, a woman is legally allowed to kill her cheating husband -- but only if she uses her bare hands. The husband's lover, however, may be killed in any manner desired.
This one made the list?

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

The Difference

The difference between being a high achiever and an overachiever is slowly, painfully becoming clear to me. It's not something I've given much thought to during the past 10 years or so, but since I'm back in school and find myself being "graded," these concepts have thrust themselves back to the forefront.

I've always known I am a high achiever and do an especially great job when I really care about something or there is the promise of some sort of payoff (a good grade, a nice raise, some praise or a compliment from someone who 'matters'). It's just part of my personality and a trait I thank my mom for. The flip side is that tasks for which there is no reward or payoff are left to languish. For that, too, I can thank my mom. But you know what? I'll take the good with the bad - the net result is good!

Speaking of taking the good with the bad, I've sort of suddenly realized that I may not just be a high achiever, but an overachiever. This, I'm afraid, is not a good thing.

Case in point:
I find myself, having made the highest grade on a test, setting the literal and proverbial curve for the class, and being disappointed that I *only* made a 96. WHAT?!? That is craziness. Pure lunacy, I tell you. But it's true.

Case, part deux:
The professor picked my essay out of the entire pile of class submissions to illustrate his ideal. Awesome. Except look at that typo and that comma splice, and oh. my. God... he put my paper up on BlackBoard and now the whole class can see all my mistakes!

I've determined that I must be diligent to guard against the self-criticism, let go and just be happy with the 96, damn it. Now, if anyone can tell me how exactly to go about doing this, I'll be eternally grateful.

p.s. It was a 101 after the curve because I found an error in his grading after he'd added the curve so, bonus point!.
p.p.s. Okay, maybe I still have some work to do on this letting-go thing....