Monday, December 22, 2008


I got my grades for this semester - 4.0 bay-bee!

Pressly and I got all the Christmas cards addressed last night, and I actually got to the post office with them this morning!

I finally purchased frames and mats for some prints I've had for quite a while. Now I need to decide where I'm going to hang these beauties.

Many of our Christmas gifts are wrapped.

I got groceries and the last few stocking stuffers purchased today, so I don't have to fight the retail crowds any more!

I used up some brisket that's been in our freezer for a while - I made yummy taco soup with it!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Christmas Excitement

We're in the midst of preparing for Christmas around here. Gifts have been purchased, (some have even been wrapped!), and school's out until early January.

Aaron built a fabulous Gingerbread house and only ate some of the frosting and candy decorations. As the photos progress, notice the direct correlation between the amount of frosting on the gingerbread house and the amount of frosting on Aaron's person.

And I got a pedicure with a gorgeous Christmas shade of red w/ red sparkles. It was over 70 degrees on Friday, hence the flip-flops. ;)
Pressly still has shopping to do, bless his heart. He'll be out in full force Monday with the rest of the last-minute-shopping crazies. I offered to buy for myself, but he would have none of that.

I designed and ordered our Christmas cards today (yes, I do realize it's December 21st. They will go in the mail tomorrow, and they will either show up before Christmas or after, but they will get there, at least!

Today Aaron and I are wrapping gifts, then I suspect I'll need to do some laundry - I'm pretty sure my poor husband wore the same pair of jeans to work today that he wore yesterday. Fun times!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

No Stress

I realized today that my skin has cleared up. I can't attribute it to any change in my skin care routine, but I have been aware of feeling calmer the past week or so. This first semester back at school has been thrilling and more gratifying than I could have possibly imagined. I'm sure at some point I'll be fed up with school and be ready to be done, but for now I just love learning.

Tomorrow I have two final exams and must turn in a field work report which I thought was a relatively minor assignment, but it turned into a 24 page monster. I think I did a good job on the report, and have no anxiety over the exams. I have to score a 52 on one of them to ensure an A for the semester, and I haven't calculated what I need on the other one because I only have 2 of the 4 grades for that class, but I'm confident that I'll pull an A in that class also. The only unknown is my writing class, and making an A in that class is contingent upon making a B+ or better on that paper. I never got to the point that I felt overwhelmed this semester (well, not after the initial adjustment period anyway). Granted, I took only 9 hours, but after being out of school for so long I didn't really know what to expect. Pressly, Aaron and I are adjusting to the changes that have come with shaking things up and I think we'll all survive. Next semester I'm taking 18 hours.

So maybe the title of my post isn't completely accurate. I do have a little bit of stress, but my psych teacher says small amounts of stress can be beneficial. At least my skin has cleared up. I never had breakouts as a teenager, but as a 33 year old woman, I'm paying my dues. Nice.

Oh, hug someone you love today. You never know when they might be gone for good.

Sunday, December 07, 2008

Sly Fox

Look at this sly fox we spotted hiding amongst the trees.

Don't worry - there aren't a lot of red foxes roaming the wilderness in Kaufman these days. Aaron has a report on the Cherokee tribe due Monday, and we've been working on it for almost two weeks now. He had to research their habitat, housing structure, food, and social habits and write a report with illustrations. While he presents his report to the class, he is supposed to have a 3-D visual aide. He wanted it to be a lot more elaborate, but mommy's paper mache and hot glue skills only go so far.

He is pleased with the final result, and has some very green fingers to prove his involvement in the proces. we needed to make trees, and I had originally thought we'd just paint some cotton balls. Have you ever tried to paint a cotton ball? It doesn't work. So plan B (improvisation is my middle name) called for a little water, some green food dye and the use of our clothes dryer. It worked, but cleaning the dryer wasn't so much fun.

Here's hoping A-Rock enjoys giving his report to the class. He's learned a lot about the Cherokee, including the fact that they were not nomadic and did not live in teepees. And some of the men wore scaplocks and 'porcupine roaches,' which you can Google if you want to know more.