Monday, January 06, 2014


This Christmas break was by far the most relaxing vacation I've had in YEARS.  I brought lots of things home to work on, and then made the conscious decision to not work on them.  I enjoyed relaxing, spending time with family, and just "being" each day.

I knew I'd have a big job when I got back in today because I got new flooring in my classroom over the break.  What a blessing to have a fresh, new floor to start the year off!  My room wasn't exactly as I'd left it.  In fact, it was in such a state of disarray, I might have felt quite a bit of despair. Still, I wasn't quite prepared for what I found.  When I arrived, my neighbor was moving his things out of my room and surveying my textbooks stacked atop his desks in his room.  :)

Random stuff in random piles

Notice the nice, straight rows of desks.  LOL!


 I have fabulous coworkers and many offered to help reclaim my classroom, but honestly when tackling a job like this, it's best for me to just jump in and work alone.  I have awful spatial reasoning skills and need to see things in place before they make sense.  As a result, I often don't even know what I want, so asking someone else to help me would just be plain rude.

 I decided it was a perfect time to rearrange a few things that weren't working as well as I'd hoped the first part of the year.  It took all day to get things in order, and I still have papers and files tucked away in filing cabinets, but the room is functional and ready for my kiddos to return tomorrow.

Somehow, 1/3 of my Greek & Latin Roots word wall (on the left of this photo: black background with green, yellow, orange and blue) got ripped off during the reflooring.  I hope to have that repaired by the end of this week.


I like to move my desks around frequently depending on what we're doing in class.  While I have them in rows right now, they may be in groups of three or four next week.  I'll post some close-ups of some of my anchor charts and word walls later this week.

My room has a fresh, new floor and a layout that should work well for us the remainder of the year!  Lemons = lemonade

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