Friday, October 10, 2008

Yes, Yes... I KNOW

I am seriously delinquent in my blogging. (sorry, Jess!)

Obviously a lot has happened since my last post. Aaron started 3rd grade and seems to be doing really well! He's in a challenging class and involved in some enrichment programs that he loves.

I've also gone back to school to finish my teaching degree! I'm so excited. The semester is about 1/2 over and I am just so happy to be chasing this dream.

I'm still making jewelry, but right now I'm mostly doing custom work. I've done a couple of wedding orders and a few other things and am contemplating selling some of my stash because I really don't need all the stuff I've amassed. The tools will never go, though. I'm a total tool junkie. ;)

Aaron's first 3rd grade report card came home with him yesterday. His grades were great, and we're most proud of his "E" (for excellent) in conduct. More interesting, I think, is what's on the outside of the envelope. I was really tempted to send a snarky note back with the signed envelope, but since I hope to be employed at his school district in the not-too-far future, I decided that wasn't the best idea.

Do you see what I see?


Jaelan @ Making Mrs. M said...

YAY! Finally an update!!

"Emphasizng Excellence"

...Too bad they aren't emphasizIng spelling.

Jaelan @ Making Mrs. M said...

btw... that is a captial "i"... looks like I misspelled it. Ha.

Jasmine Bonner said...


Jessica and Matt said...

You're back!!!! Girl. That excellence thing makes me laugh!!! I honestly wonder if you're the only one who noticed. I don't think I would have...