Saturday, May 16, 2009


Freecycle is a fantastic network that allows people to re-home unneeded items. The benefit is two-pronged: 1) the items don't end up in a landfill somewhere, and 2) people get stuff they need for free!

Around here, however, its name would be more appropriate if it were Gimme-cycle. One post out of 10 might be an offer for something. The rest are pleas for things people "desparately" need. The rules clearly state that you should always try to offer something if you request something, but as you might guess, that rarely happens.

Just for grins, here are this morning's posts from our local Freecycle list (misspellings and poor grammar are left intact; my comments and snarkiness are in italics):

From: Tasha
WANTED: Fencing, t-posted, barb wire materials
"Looking for barbwire, fencing, t posts, ect. will pick up any amount. Thank you"

From: Amanda
"we are in need of bunkbeds, willing to pickup"
Wow - willing to pick up free bunk beds. These folks are serious!

From: gbuchanan
need parts for yardmachine
"I am trying to find a transmission for a yard machine riding lawn mower can anyone help i have a bent axle. Thanks"
Sounds like what you really need is a hammer, an anvil and some elbow grease.

From: alicia
wanted: microwave cart
In need of a microwave cart.
If someone out there is upgrading or down grading or just plain getting rid of their's- we'll be glad to take it off of your hands.
We're also looking for a new, unused spice rack. Thank you & God Bless
Because, you know, it would be tacky to give Aunt Edna an old, used spice rack for her birthday. Notice the "God Bless" - that makes her seem more sincere, dontcha think?

From: alicia
wanted: bookshelf
any type of bookshelf would help us out. We have tons of books that are just sitting any boxes that we'd rather be reading and have access to.
First, I'm going to guess that none of that ton of books are grammar or spelling texts. Next, it sounds like you might want to familiarize yourself with the public library: there, they have tons of books that are on shelves, and you would have access to any number of them, for FREE! (so you could sell your ton of books and maybe buy Aunt Edna that spice rack she's been dreaming of). Or you could, I don't know . . . take a book out of a box when you want to read it!

From: alicia
wanted: antenna rabbit ears
wanted working antenna rabbit ears for our t.v.
Any help would be appreciated. Thank you
Um... rabbit ears? I don't think there is any help for you if what you want are rabbit ears. Didn't they quit making those in the '80s? And after the HD switchover, they'll make a great sweater drying rack.

From: alicia (yes, the same alicia; 4th post in a row, no offers for anything, even though we know she has a ton of books that she's not using)
wanted: window unit
We need a working a/c window unit. It's getting really hot and it's not even June yet. We have an 18 month old son and 5 year old. I just want to make sure they stay cool this summer. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you
(but no God bless, so she must not REALLY want it that badly, but bonus points for playing the poor, helpless children card)

Apparently alicia is trying to furnish her entire house, but the stuff she's asking for is sort of pathetic, so I almost feel badly for making fun of her... but she does have a computer with internet, so...

And my VERY FAVORITE POST from today:

From: dwayne.h
wanted: pocket knives
im looking for any kind of pockt or boot knifes that i can get and and swords if u got them thank you dwayne
Please hurry because Doltoron from the fifth ring of Xansadalrupt has vanquished my high queen and I need the sword of Galgathanroy to slay him and free my queen. Okay, not really. I've got a booth at the fleamarket this weekend and I need some stuff to sell.


RARE1 said...

I can identify with you...I am a member of several "freecycle groups" in this area, and they are all like the one you posted about. The same members, (must have lots of time on their hands) are always posting for wanted items...but ours goes a little further. We have the same members responding to offers, no matter what those offers are, so I'm thinking they're probably running a perpetual garage sale. Any thoughts?

Donkeyfunny said...

Okay, Jasmine... I saw your post about freecycle and had to see what you thought... (my blog stalking confession)

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for that last one. I am crying right now from laughing so hard!!!

Adoption of Jane said...

HAHAHA! You are too funny, loved it!