Wednesday, November 07, 2007

EEK! *Happy Dance* and maybe an answer to some prayers...

"Thank you so much for sharing your talent and creativity with us!"

That was the closing line in an email I received today. A few weeks ago, I made a last minute decision to submit a few pieces to a magazine, and they emailed today to let me know they have accepted several of my submissions! I'm totally floored. Really. I hoped of the five submissions I sent, they would choose one. The photos were not good at all, taken in a rush to beat the midnight deadline on my dining room table under incandescent lighting. The magazine will, of course, professionally photograph the pieces for publication, but I was afraid the poor quality of the photos and my quick editing job wouldn't do the pieces justice.

The timing could not be more perfect or ironic. Or confusing.

I've been praying for direction and answers about what to do with myself lately. I have basically decided to just hang up jewelry design as a business because I have not been feeling successful at it. People tell me that I am talented; they tell me that my jewelry is gorgeous, that it is unusual, that they love my work. But I totally suck at marketing. I I'm introverted and shy and exceedingly uncomfortable tooting my own horn. And I've been struggling with the fact that I just don't feel fulfilled or useful staying at home.

Since we decided to sell our house this spring and pursue our dream of moving to a smaller town, life has been chaotic. We sold our house in just 10 days, then moved to a rental house that also happened to be on the market, so I wasn't comfortable spreading all my stuff out there. During that time, we began the process of finalizing plans to build on our 13 acres. We ran into problem after problem with that process, and finally it became evident that it was going to cost a LOT more than we expected so we decided to see what kinds of existing homes were available. After only one day of looking, we found the perfect house. It was a foreclosure with a very attractive price, had a shop and sat on 4 acres. Within one week, we had a contract on this house, a contract on the sale of our 13 acres and were making plans to move.

Without a doubt, everything fell into place just as it was supposed to, but the limbo time and all the uncertainty wrought havoc on my creative energy. Plus, almost all of my supplies were packed away in a dank storage building, out of my reach.

Fast forward to now: adjusting to this small town lifestyle has been surprisingly difficult for me. I thought I knew what I was getting into because I grew up in a small town. I don't know anyone here. I'm not good at meeting new people unless we are forced together by soccer games, volunteering or other circumstances. My very best friend in the whole world might as well live a world away. We talk on the phone at least once a week and exchange occasional emails, but that's no substitute for real-life friendship and I miss her so much. I've felt myself slipping into a hole for the past few months, and finally decided that since my application to substitute teach or volunteer at Aaron's school hadn't received a response, that I should start looking for a job. I've had a few interviews, one of which would have been okay, but it's in a town 20 minutes from here, so it wouldn't afford me the opportunity to meet local folks. I'm supposed to hear back about that one by this Friday. I've been mulling over what to do if I am offered the job because it's not exactly perfect.

So here I sit, less than an hour after receiving this amazing news, wondering what the heck I'm supposed to do. And wondering whether this is the answer I've been looking for. One of my prayers was that I have the wisdom to recognize the right opportunity when it presents itself. Now I guess I'm trying to decide whether I've been endowed with said wisdom.

As for the magazine, I'm going to keep the details under my hat for a while longer, just in case something falls through with it. I'll announce details when it hits the stands, which is supposed to be Spring 2008!!


Jessica and Matt said...

Yay for you!!! You = Supa-STAH! I'm so proud of you! I can't wait to see the mag!!!

Jaelan @ Making Mrs. M said...

Yay! That's exciting! Your jewlery in a magazine-that's great! I'm so happy for you Jas! I love you and I love your jewlery! :)

j.o.r.d.a.n. said...

You'll figure it out, girl! I love you!

Eileen said...

wow! that's totally amazing. Maybe you don't have to do one or the other just yet. But what a great thing to be featured in a magazine. That's awesome! Congratulations.

I think it will become clear when it needs to.

This is Eileen, btw.

RARE1 said...

YOU ARE AMAZING!!! I am so proud of you.

Let me share one of my favorite quotes with you. This is what I do when I don't quite know which way to go with something.

"In the confrontation between the stream and the rock, the stream always wins...not by strength, but by persistence." --unknown

When you don't know, just follow what you do know, put one foot in front of the other, and keep going. The answers will present themselves in time.

I love you,