Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Puss In Boots

At the end of the Summer, I took Aaron to the Ft. Worth Museum of Science and History to see the Star Wars exhibit. That stuff was cool, but true to form, his favorite display was the gift shop. Being the ultimate dealmaker, he agreed that if I bought him a Jengo Fett costume he would wear it for Halloween. Of course, that was months ago, priorities change, promises are forgotten. Around October 5th, he announced he really really wanted to be Puss in Boots for Halloween.

Pressly and I stuck to our guns on this one. The boy must learn to honor his word, and not re-trade the deal after he's gotten what he wants.

Then I got a note from his school that the kiddos would be allowed to dress as story book characters for school on Halloween. Then Monday, he opened his bank and brought me all his change and his $2 bills, offering to pay for the Fett costume if he could just PLEASE be Puss in Boots for Halloween. So we gave in.

I'm not sure Katy agrees with our decision, though (or that look could be trepidation at the thought of us bringing home another cat)

But this all doesn't come without consequence. Oh, no. We still have to teach responsibility, right? So, the kitty litter box needs to be scooped every day, and at the rate of $.50 per day, he should have his debt paid by the end of the year. Aaron doesn't seem too upset about the deal (for now, anyway).


Jessica and Matt said...

SO CUTE!!!!!!!!! You are quite the make-up art-iste, too, gurl! :) He is such a MESS. That last picture makes me LAUGH! And I am certain I will be able to use the first one for blackmail someday... :P

Jaelan @ Making Mrs. M said...

Aww... haha. That's too cute!