Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Got my second paper back from my Writing and Literary Analysis class today.

My professor spent the entire class reading examples of people's papers and showing examples of secondary sources and credentials. He put up my paper to exemplify what I think is gross overstatement of the paper's topic (it is, however, how he wants us to write, so it was a good example). He also showed one of my source credentials and a copy of a Peanuts comic strip I included to clarify an allusion that one of my secondary sources made.

It was quite enlightening to see my paper displayed on that huge screen at the front of class because there were several typos (which he does not count off for!) Given the number of times that I edited and re-printed that paper, I thought it was perfect. Oops.

The last time he returned papers, I was excitedly confident that my writing was so good it would exempt me from any further assignments. Seriously - I half expected him to write "You have nothing more to learn! A++ for the class." (Narcissistic much?) This time, I sat in anguish waiting to see what the grade was. I kept running through my mind the things he said people didn't get right, and trying to remember what I had done on my paper. And remembering that we have only 3 or 4 grades for the whole semester and if I didn't make an A on this one, I could probably forget making an A in the class.

Anyway, in his rambling, I also learned that if you quote the Bible, he doesn't want it written as an actual quote, and he says the Bible doesn't belong on the Works Cited page, even though MLA standards say it does belong.

He said there were lots of people whose grades suffered because they still aren't following his prescribed formula. *Whew,* am I glad I caught on quickly!*

Last Page Comments: Good Job! A



j.o.r.d.a.n. said...

You get an 'A' for successfully dumbing it down. :)

Jaelan @ Making Mrs. M said...

Yay! :)

Jessica and Matt said...

YAY! (Big Yay!) I love Jodo's comment! Yay for "dumming" it down fo sho.

Jessica and Matt said...

Oh. And there's no shame in the narcissism.