Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I have a new nephew!

Welcome, sweet Christoper Michael!! I cannot wait to meet you and hold you and give you a smooch right on the forehead!

Unfortunately between school, 3+ hours in the car commuting, a kiddo of my own who needs some sort of schedule in order to function and a husband who is STILL plugging away at work as I type this (at nearly 10 pm), I couldn't get to the hospital, another hour+ drive each way, today. I'm going to try try try to go tomorrow morning, but if I can't make that work, It'll have to be on Friday since Thursday is a 14+ hour day for me.

WAH! I wanna meet my nephew!! I have a photo (thanks, Jaelan!!), but it wouldn't be fair for me to post that on the internet before my photographer sister gets the chance to post one of her own. He is, after all, her child.


Jessica and Matt said...

Oh my daaaaaang. He really is the most adorable little thing. I can't wait for you to meet him!!! We did miss you today, please just get this way when you can - don't go crazy with the drive, by all means.

I'll see you soon. I love you!!!

j.o.r.d.a.n. said...

we missed you so much, Jas! It was precious.

j.o.r.d.a.n. said...

by "it" I mean the moment. I know to use "him" now. :)

Jessica and Matt said...

I need to get you the pics of your fam holding Christopher... so sweet!