Friday, January 09, 2009

Manna from ... heaven?

I think once I poked fun at my sister Jessica for owning a rice cooker. Why would you buy a rice cooker? I think I said something to the effect of "I have a rice cooker - it's called a pan with a lid!"

After several failed attempts at cooking edible brown rice I decided to buy a cooker. The rice turned out perfectly and I didn't have to watch the pan for an hour or more!

So remembering some yummy cafeteria fare from my youth, I mixed some butter and brown sugar into the leftover rice, took a few bites then shared the rest with Aaron. His reaction? "This is SO DELICIOUS!!" I agree - it was pretty darn tasty. Plus, it was long grain brown rice, so it was chock full of fiber and other tasty nutrients. :D


Jill said...

Yuck......I canNOT do rice!!

Jessica and Matt said...

Yeah-you made fun of me once for that? I think that was just a couple of weeks ago! Glad you and Arock could relive our elementary school cafeteria days (before the nutritionists ruined everything)!

Jasmine Bonner said...

Girl, it was NOT a few weeks ago! It was years ago. I remember it vividly. It was at your house in Plano. Why does inane nonsense like that stick in my brain?