Saturday, July 30, 2011

Frolicking With the Fishes

 Aaron has been begging to go to the Dallas World Aquarium for several weeks.  We've been half a dozen times, but he just loves it.  Or the idea of it.  The problem is that we can only go there when the rest of the free world is also available to go.  C.R.O.W.D.E.D.  We decided on the spur of the moment today to head over there.  If you get there early (within an hour of opening), parking is not too bad and the line to get in isn't horrendous. 
 This Sloth lives on some trees in the middle of the walkway.  It is not separated from the public by rope, wire, a cage, or anything.  I could have reached out and touched it, but there were ample signs discouraging such behavior.  Don't think I wasn't tempted, though.  It was down lower this time than I've ever seen it, just about eye-level.  Sooo hard to mind the rules.  And apparently my phone LOVED the lighting here, because this picture turned out pretty great.

The talks and feedings (especially the feedings!) are awesome, but if you want a good spot, you have to arrive at the exhibit early and camp out while people crush in around you.  Aaron does not do well in crowds, so we don't hang around for the feedings.  We did stumble upon a talk on the Two-Toed Sloth.  Pretty cool to watch those critters eat green beans and carrots and learn a little about them.  Aaron was especially impressed to learn that because of a really slow metabolism, they poop only once a week.  I did have to clue him in on the definition of defecate.  Then he giggled.  A lot.

 Contrary to its name, it is not JUST an aquarium.  

In fact, it's mostly not an aquarium. It's very educational if you take time to stop and read about the exhibits.

I couldn't get a shot of the giant anteater, but here's a picture of Aaron reading about it.

All of these photos are from my phone.  The quality isn't fantastic, but we've been so many times we didn't feel like hauling around a camera today.  Plus my neck's been telling me to lighten up my purse lately, so I didn't have room in the micro bag I carried today.

Aaron's most favorite thing at the DWA are these garden eels.  They are pretty darn cool!  They almost never leave their burrows, and they are very territorial.  They are also very scared of fish that swim by. 

I'm pretty sure Oscar the Grouch's friend Slimey was actually a garden eel. 

 This Jaguar doesn't need a mate.  He's taking care of himself just fine...  Incidentally, this is a different one than they had last year.  She was a she.  And solid black.  I remember feeling so sorry for her because she just paced the perimeter of her glass cage the entire time we were there.

Shhhh.... I'm hidin' under this leaf.  I learned it from the chameleon:

I can't remember the name of this fish bit it was a something-nose something-or-other.  I caught it sticking its tongue out at me.

And that little blue streak near its gill is another fish that it would let swim INSIDE its gill, presumably for a mutually beneficial munchy.  (I'm pretty sure it's not dead.  It just likes the way the water feels flowing over its tongue.  Or something.)

 This is a fish.  It's swimming in some water.



Aaron thinks it's both funny and cruel that the flamingoes' habitat abuts the lip of the 21' deep shark tank.  I'm pretty sure he keeps asking to go back to the DWA because he wants to see one fall in and get eaten.


This is wildlife was on temporary loan to the DWA.  It probably will not be on exhibit when you visit.  (That expression?  It's his this better not end up of Facebook look.)  No worries, hon...

Cute, TINY tortoises!

Black-footed penguins.  These live in warm climates, so they are perfectly suited to the Texas heat!

Look toward the left on the edge of the rock - there is a penguin lying down.  He is very, very old and blind.  The penguin standing at the center of the rock appeared to be protecting the old one and refused to leave that spot, even when the others swam by.

Don't worry, the Manatee did not actually fall on Aaron's head.  

Or emerge from his chest.

Seahorses! They're my favorite.

See?  Awesomesauce.

After the DWA, we headed to Dave & Buster's for lunch and a little more fun. 

Pressly will probably divorce me for putting two photos of him on the internets in one day, but look how intent he is on winning that game! 

In an apparent attempt to prolong the sealife experience, Aaron ordered shrimp.  It had to be cut into tiny pieces before he could eat it because his mouth is still sore.

The day wasn't ALL fun and games.  I made them help me get groceries at Walmart on the way home, after which Pressly felt it necessary to reaffirm his complete and total hatred for that establishment.

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Subhash said...
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