Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Brace Face

Soooo... Aaron's getting braces today. It's something HE has been asking for since he was 8 when his permanent teeth started coming in all wonky. I just hope he holds it together at the orthodontist's office. He seems to be very cool about going to the dentist these days (such a nice change from the screaming-through-the-sedation visits of his early childhood). And he adores his chiropractor, so doctor visits seem like something he has under control. Except...

After years of optometrist visits, he doesn't even blink when it's time for an eye exam. Until we switched doctors and this new one wanted to put stinging drops in his eyes. Not. Good. I think part of it was nerves over going to a new doctor. And part of it was those dang stinging drops. In his eyes.

He really, really wants braces. He's been self-conscious about his teeth for several years. I hope that desire holds him over if there's any discomfort in the chair today. I don't even know what to tell him to expect because I never had braces.

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