Thursday, October 04, 2007

Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My!

We're well on our way to a having a bonafide menagerie with two doggies, two hamsters and now...

A few weeks ago, Pressly said it would be okay for us to get a cat with the understanding that it would strictly be an outside cat. He figures it would be good for keeping the mice and snakes at bay around the house.

After thinking it over, I decided I really didn't want to adopt a cat from a rescue or shelter with the sole purpose of sticking it outside. Many of those cats are tempered for the indoors and are de-clawed. So I thought I'd just keep my eyes open for an ad for free kittens or something.

I was almost home this morning after dropping Aaron off at school when something ran across the road in front of me. It didn't move like a squirrel, but I was too far away to see what it was. Once I got to about where I had seen it, I slowed down and saw this tiny orange baby disappear behind a tree. I could hear it mewing loudly so I got out of the car and started calling to it. Knowing how temperamental cats can be, I figured it was futile, but I'm a total sucker for animals.

In just a second, it came out out from behind its tree and looked at me. I walked over, reached down and scooped it up, thinking at any minute this skin-and-bones furball was going to start clawing at me with all its fury. But he didn't! He started purring right away. Sweet baby just wanted to nestle into my hair. He rode fine in the car, and when we got home I gave him a little milk and introduced him to the dogs.

I took him to the vet, who says he's probably 8-10 weeks old but is so malnourished it's hard to tell. He has ear mites, and weighs only about 1 pound 3 oz, but other than that, he seems healthy. We're treating the mites, and as soon as he gets some weight on his bones we'll start vaccinations. Aaron named him Tiger for now, but says he wants to get to know him a little better before deciding on the final name.

He is such a lover, which is pretty unbelievable for a stray cat. Here's to hoping he's still around in the morning.


Stacy said...

Ack! He is so cute!!

Stacy (from TH)

Jessica and Matt said...

What a SWEETIE. I love that picture. I need to come over and play with Tiger.

RARE1 said...

uhh...i'm pretty sure that is not your "outdoor" tile in the background. So what does A-rock think of him? Hope Tiger is a sweetie.

j.o.r.d.a.n. said...

AAAAWW How freakin' cute! I love little kitties. And I love saving little animals too! You did your good deed for the week.

Jaelan @ Making Mrs. M said...

I just got caught up on all your blogs! :) You're life is crazy girl-I love hearing about all the little escapades your family has. :) I don't normally like cats, but Tiger is definitely a cutie!