Monday, October 22, 2007

Happy Halloween!

I suppose it's because Halloween is the first "holiday" of the season, Aaron gets really wound up about it every year. I mean, honestly - he starts asking to put up the Halloween decorations around September 7th. And he gets so excited about all the cool stuff in the stores. This year, I gave in and let him buy a pumpkin decorating book with stencils and tools. It made cutting those suckers SO MUCH EASIER!

Aaron had picked out a pretty elaborate ghost to carve on the larger pumpkin, but Pressly and I were experiencing a great amount of anxiety over whether we could get all those teensy cuts to look right. We convinced Aaron to look for something a little less complicated, so he and Pressly started leafing through the book. As soon as Pressly spotted the alien pattern, he had his mind made up... we just had to convince Aaron! He agreed once we told him he could do whatever he wanted with the other pumpkin. So Pressly got his alien jack-o-lantern and Aaron freehanded a Dracula on the other. It was a lot of fun, and I think they turned out pretty neat!

Here are some photos of the process for your entertainment.


Jessica and Matt said...

SO CUTE!!! I can't believe you guys actually did that alien one! And I love your family. Seriously, LOVE. I am so excited about the holiday season!

Jaelan @ Making Mrs. M said...

How sweet! :) lol, looks like a lot of fun.

j.o.r.d.a.n. said...

Those pumpkins look amazing! I never do them b/c I'm worried they won't turn out. I am equally as impressed with Aaron's as I am the alien. Hope the race went well on Saturday!