Sunday, August 14, 2011

I Have No Words . . .

. . . for this:

We parked waaaay out on the edge of the Kohl's parking lot in Rockwall and when we got out of the truck, this is what we saw. 

Here's a closeup of it:
Looks like someone took a huge bite, chewed part of it up, decided he/she didn't like it and returned the partially masticated bread to the loaf.
What the heck?  And also, ha!!


Jayme Quick said...

LOL! Yesterday, a Facebook friend posted a picture of a coffee machine next to a gas pump. The day before, a friend shared a picture of a jalapeno pepper she found lying in a bathroom floor at a laundromat.

People are weird!!

Subhash said...
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AJ said...

So when you made your son do everything for himself how did he do??