Saturday, August 13, 2011


Orientation on Friday was actually enjoyable!  The superintendent shared his passion for education and his love for the district.  He and several other speakers were pretty funny!

There were only 11 new hires; 9 of us were teachers, plus 1 nurse and 1 counselor.  This compared to a typical year when there are 30+ new teachers - I feel so blessed to have been chosen to work for Kaufman ISD at all, but especially this year!

A local business, ABOX Packaging donated a ton of supplies to help us stock our rooms so we have things for those kiddos who get to school with nothing.  Lookit!  And this wasn't even all of it - there were baskets full of stuff on every table, too:

Our principals, who were also at the orientation, told us to "go shopping."  So we did!  At first we were all being very conservative, but then someone decided to heck with that, and we all started grabbing up all the things we knew we each would use.  Once our bags were about to split and we all felt like we had been too greedy, we looked around and saw that there was still lots of stuff left! 

This is what I ended up with:
I didn't inventory all of it, but there's a lot of stuff there!  The large blue and black bags on the right were gifts from the chamber of commerce and the school.  The First Days of School was a gift from the district for all first-year teachers.  I already have a copy, but figured I could share this one with someone!  The green, pink and b/w gift bag is full of post-its, colorful binder clips, push pins, etc.  It was a door prize from Lee's Pizza in Scurry.  

The Chamber of Commerce, Texas Health Kaufman, and American National Bank provided a delicious barbecue luncheon from Jackson Street BBQ on the square in Kaufman.  I had chicken and beef and both were tasty!  Their sauce is really good too.

I'll be sending out thank you notes to all the businesses and organizations who helped make our welcome to KISD a real event.

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