Monday, August 22, 2011

Oops! (The first day of school!)

When I turned the final corner on the way to my school this morning, I knew I was in trouble.  I thought I was getting there early.  Just for the record, parents who are eager to dump their kids and reclaim their daytimes think early is actually much earlier than I thought.

After flying into a silent rage over a parent blocking the ENTIRE entrance to the parking lot, I finally parked, ordered Aaron out of the car, grabbed my rolling cart and fled into the school pushing fresh faced children asunder.  Okay that last bit was a lie.  But I did pass up quite a few of them on the way in.  I couldn't believe at 7:20 there was already a line of parents waiting to drop off.  And the parking lot was full.  That meant there were probably already kids in the school.  I walked into my room at 7:28 and saw 16 bright shining faces attached to 5th grade bodies sitting quietly at their desks.

And get this... they were at the CORRECT desks!!  I had put name tags on the desks and the kids figured out where to sit without being told.

During my conference, I was chatting with another teacher and laughed at my timing error.  The 15-year veteran assured me it is impossible to beat the first child there.  She arrived shortly after 7:00 and had a precious sitting outside her door.  

So, lesson learned for next year: arrive at 5:00 a.m. to beat the rush.

1 comment:

Jordan said...

Glad to hear they're on their best behavior--hope it lasts!! :)