Saturday, August 20, 2011

Scaredy Kat

Our dog Katy is a strange duck.  She's afraid of everything.  When she was younger, it took a good thunderstorm or nearby fireworks to send her scrambling to sit on my head.  Have I mentioned she weighs over 60 pounds?  There has been more than one occasion when I woke up suffocating under her girth.  I'm not kidding.

Nowadays, anything a little out of the ordinary sends her over the edge.  She's not one to shrink in the corner and shake with fear.  Oh, no.  She needs the comfort of a human in close proximity.

Last Saturday morning, I awoke to the sweet, sweet sound of a slow rain. Apparently it's been so long since we had rain, she found the peaceful drip-drip-drip menacing.  She refused to go out into the scary water-falling-from-the-sky; instead, she opened both bathroom doors to let herself in while I was on the toilet and wedged herself behind the porcelain.  Have I mentioned she's not a small dog?

Stop envisioning me on the toilet.

Saturday afternoon, we bought a new TV.  Apparently new electronics are now sinister.  She sought shelter between Pressly and the cabinetry as he was leaning over trying to reach the inputs on the back.
This dog is nutso.


Jordan said...

OMG. Mya does this when we're cooking something that smokes up the house (most of my cooking does this ;)). Nothing I do calms her down either!

Subhash said...
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